Sunday, June 14, 2009

New Baby Pictures...and Finally, An Update!

Oh my gosh! I just realized how long it has been since we posted anything! Needless to say, things have been quite busy around here! Work has been crazy. Like most law firms around here, we've had some cut-backs in staff -- no attorneys yet-- but we've all had to step it up to make sure everything is getting done. On top of that, I have 3 trials this summer. Since I've worked at H&S the past 3 1/2 years, none of my cases have actually gone all the way to trial. It figures that now that I am pregnant, 3 of them would go to trial in the 3 months before I have to give birth. On top of that, one of the other attorneys in our group fell in love and moved to Utah, so Asa and I are the most senior associates in our group, which means when things need to be stepped up, our boss is looking to us first. I have to give Asa credit, with me being in constant "trial prep" mode, he really has stepped it up and is doing a great job looking out for some of my cases that need a little TLC.

Okay, but enough of that. What about the baby??? Well, since we have been so busy at work, we have not had a lot of time to work on our baby preparations. Thank goodness for Aunt Blair. She has been diligent in reminding us that we need to make sure things are ready to go whenever Wiggles decides to make her debut. So, this weekend we are: (1) priming the nursery (it is currently a dingy baby blue with flowers) and (2) going to look a crib and changing table that we think will work well with the color scheme we have picked out. Our color scheme is based upon the children's book "Guess How Much I Love You" with pink thrown in for good measure. If you have not read this book, I highly recommend it. It is the sweetest thing! Asa and Blair are going to try their hands a recreating the illustrations to us as artwork.

New Pictures

We also had another ultrasound a couple of weeks ago. Wiggles was a little more cooperative, which I suspect is due in large part to the fact that she is running out of room to hide in there! Also, we had them double check for my mom and, Wiggles is still a girl! Here are a couple of pictures:

In all the free time we have, :) , we are also trying to schedule a 4D ultrasound that will give us a better image of what she is actually going to look like. A friend of ours had this done and it was amazing how much the 4D ultrasound image was similar to her actual appearance when she was born. Fingers crossed, that should happen within a couple of weeks and we will post what we can from that so you can all see her too!

One last picture. I know my mom has been wondering what I look like. I think it is driving her crazy with curiosity. I looked kind of nice the other day, so I had Asa take picture of me so you could see what "Kristol-going-into-her-third-trimester" looks like. I believe the best word is "large." My nice friends at work keep telling me "you still look so good," which I believe is probably followed with the inside thought of "for a whale with a huge butt!" Anyway, here is picture. Notice, I am in black-- it's slimming :) Also, please remember that this was taken after a long day of court hearings and trial prep, so I look very tired because I am very tired...and my feet are very swollen. Nevertheless, we are still very excited for Wiggle's arrival!


  1. I think you look good and there's no thought of whale butt in there. I hope you post pictures of the nursery. I think that theme is so cute.

  2. You're gorgeous, Kristol! Congratulations!!!
